Read a selection of client testimonials

Bio-magnetic therapy with Elaine was a turning point in my healing journey. I felt relieved, assured and hopeful for the future after I first spoke to Elaine. I am deeply grateful for the empathy, support and the wealth of knowledge she provided me once I began attending Elaine’s clinic. I was diagnosed with Lyme disease in January 2021 when I was 19 years old following 6 months of debilitating illness. I was forced to defer my college course and my life was put on hold. I experienced symptoms such as anxiety, depersonalisation, fatigue, pain, depression, digestive issues, hormonal imbalances, brain fog and more. My life was completely turned upside down and I felt failed by the medical authorities I reached out to. I was told my blood tests were clear, MRI’s appeared fine and it was suggested that I try anti-anxiety medications.
Elaine was the first person I spoke to whom I felt really listened and understood me.
I had begun antibiotic treatment which I found to be severe and ultimately counter-productive in my case. I had also attended hyperbaric oxygen therapy and underwent herbal protocols which were quite taxing on my run-down body. When I began treatments with Elaine, they were never excessively invasive on my body because of her intuitive, cautious yet effective approach. Elaine worked with me gently and slowly to unravel the root causes behind my array of symptoms. As she uncovered each piece to the puzzle, I began to see improvements in my symptoms and overall health. For example, I had lost my menstrual cycle for two years before I started biomagnetic therapy with Elaine. Following consistent treatments, it returned and I began to feel like myself again. I started back in university and was able to move forward with my life. I experienced many other improvements and eradications of symptoms as I worked with Elaine but most importantly Elaine helped me to feel empowered and optimistic in my health journey and enabled me to really trust that I could recover my health and well-being again. Now in 2023 I occasionally visit Elaine to maintain my health. She has recently qualified in naturopathic nutritional therapy as well and so she is helping me work on fine-tuning certain aspects of my wellness to ensure I maintain the incredible progress I made. Elaine helped me to find hope, then health, and now happiness and I cannot recommend her therapies enough.
Grace Wade, May 2023

Our son has attended Elaine's clinic for some time now. We came to her when he was very poorly with numerous health challenges. Also it was at a time when we had struggled to find appropriate care and treatment from both mainstream and complementary medicines. That all changed on meeting Elaine. From the very first session to now she has shown nothing but great care, compassion, understanding and incredible knowledge in all aspects of her work. He has made tremendous progress on his healing journey with Elaine by his side.
Through her professional, determined and caring manner Elaine has helped our son return to a normal life.
This is something we will forever be grateful for. Elaine never once faltered or gave up on him even when it seemed that progress had slowed or become more challenging. In fact it made her even more determined to help, often drawing on her own experience with chronic illness to further support and help our son. Elaine has recently added her qualification in Naturopathic Nutritional Therapy to her clinic. I have no doubt that this will only enhance her treatment sessions and support her clients even more. I could write pages on why Bio-magnetic Pair Therapy with Elaine is so worthwhile but instead I am encouraging anyone to make an appointment and see the benefits for yourself first hand.
Pauline McGowan February 2023

I went to Elaine for Biomagnetic Pair Therapy in 2018 when I was extremely exhausted and was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. I couldn't get out of bed in the morning and would be exhausted constantly. Within six months of starting treatment my energy and overall well-being was much improved.
Over the next year the improvement continued to the extent that my RA symptoms disappeared.
I am now attending Polaris for nutritional advice and I am on a much better diet which is supporting my overall health. I really like about working with Elaine because she was chronically sick herself and she knows what the journey is like to getting better. That empathy and understanding is major for developing a plan to recover and she doesn't have unrealistic expectations which some therapists have. She is so creative in her thinking regarding what might be the underlying issues and she examines every solution. I would be a very sick person without her.
Anna, aged 59 2023

So where to begin......I suppose with a bullseye mark on my little girl Henri's leg. That Friday morning I will never forget because I knew straight away what it meant......Lyme Disease. Within 2 hours we had Henri seen by her GP and consulted with an infectious disease consultant who confirmed what we suspected. Henri started on 2 weeks of antibiotics and within days became very ill, to the point she wasn't able to stand with constant headaches, nausea, was deathly pale and very weak. This we learned was the herx effect from antibiotics and the die off of the bacteria. We also researched alternative therapies to work alongside and antibiotics and that's when Elaine was recommended to us.
Biomagnetic Pair Therapy is something I had never heard of but I'll be forever grateful to now know of it.
Elaine was pure magic with Henri, they became great aul buddies and she put Henri at ease for what can be a daunting therapy for children. After each session Henri would literally be wiped for a day or two but then after each session she got better and better. Henri looked forward to her weekly session "of becoming a fridge" as she put it herself! Henri is under a consultant and underwent a further month of antibiotics. I honestly believe Elaine's therapy and the antibiotics combined have brough our little girl back to her best self. We are so, so grateful for Elaine and we will continue to have intermittent sessions especially at times of sickness and body stress. Thank you Elaine from the bottoms of our hearts
Henri and Mom Tanya, November 2022

I highly recommend Elaine as a therapist. Her Biomagnetic Pair Therapy sessions and her expertise in Lyme and co-infections have brought me from severe chronic illness to full recovery and I can't thank her enough.
Mary Bermingham Oct 2022

I got diagnosed with Lyme Disease about 8 months ago and at that stage I was barely able to walk, due to extensive nerve damage in my legs. I had extreme muscle loss and weakness and my confidence was at an all time low. I went into Elaine's office struggling on 2 crutches and after several sessions, I walked out much stronger, barely using 1 crutch.
Elaine's treatment improved my strength, pain management and sleep. More importantly, chatting to Elaine improved my confidence and mental health.
I highly recommend Elaine's treatment, it without a doubt got me on my road to recovery.
Rodger aged 75, July 2022

Elaine is a fantastic therapist and I can’t recommend her highly enough. I went to Elaine for a few sessions to treat Lyme disease. My symptoms were neurological: headaches, ringing in my ears and pins and needles sensation in my arm and face. I researched bio magnetic therapy myself, read about the benefits and decided this was for me.
I was delighted to hear this treatment worked for Elaine too and she has a thorough understanding of the disease. I’m thrilled to say I’m feeling fantastic.
While Elaine worked on me for Lyme, she also worked on other areas that presented as a result of treatment. So issues that I had months before such as joint pain and muscle pain disappeared. I’m thrilled to say I’m feeling fantastic. I will continue to go to Elaine a few times every year to keep my health in check and as a preventative therapy. I believe it’s a therapy we should all invest and I’m so grateful to have found Elaine.
Aisling Dec 2020

I have been struggling with Lyme disease and multiple co-infections for many years. In addition, I have experienced a lot of emotional trauma in my life for decades. The combination of these has had a devastating impact on my work and personal life, particularly over the last 8 years. I have been undergoing Biomagnetic Pair therapy with Elaine for 18 months and she has helped me enormously over this time. I have made a great leap forward and am now having my best period in many years and doing things again that I could not even have dreamed of before.
I have been undergoing Biomagnetic Pair therapy with Elaine for 18 months and she has helped me enormously over this time.
Elaine’s vast knowledge and extensive experience with Lyme and the various treatments have been a fantastic resource to be able to tap into on this difficult journey. With Elaine’s treatment and guidance, I am now confident that I am well on the way to getting my life back on track again.
Mervin Harris, Nov 2020

To whom it may concern When I first heard about Bio Magnetic Therapy I was a bit sceptical. My friends told me , I was cracked, as I knew nothing about it. I was suffering with a bad reflux problem, which was getting progressively worse. I also have a condition called Sjogren’s Syndrome, which means I had dry mouth, dry eye and rheumatoid arthritis. I decided I would give Bio Magnetic Therapy a go. I had nothing to lose and a lot to gain. I was very nervous on my first visit , not being sure what was going to happen. I was delighted to find it was non-intrusive and quite relaxing. Elaine made me very comfortable and very much at ease.
She explained every step and where she was going to place the magnets. I wasn’t sure how I would feel afterwards, but had no after effects.
It took about two sessions before I saw any results, but it must have been about six weeks later my reflux problem had almost disappeared. I continued for the best part of nine months my general health continued to improve. So much so that by the end of the year when I attended my Rheumatologist he was able to advise me to gradual withdraw my medication for my rheumatoid arthritis. Also he noticed both my eyes and mouth were no longer suffering with dryness. I cannot recommend Bio Magnetic Therapy too highly. It certainly worked for me and I will return occasionally to maintain my overall health.
Máire Muldowney aged 70, August 2020

My name is Michael. I am from north Clare. I have had health issues for over forty years including severe anxiety, panic attacks, excessive sweating, severe fatigue, muscle pain, cognitive issues among many others. I went to many GPs with zero results. I had blood samples tested in Armin lab in Germany in 2017 and was diagnosed with chronic Lyme as well as a number of other infections. I attended an outpatient’s clinic in Germany in 2017 for one month and made some progress. I am now attending Elaine Griffin in Galway for just over one and a half years. I attend once a month. Since attending her I have made good and steady progress. My energy has vastly improved. Prior to treatment after a couple of hours of farm work I would be drenched in sweat and completely exhausted, to the extent that I would collapse in a chair for hours to recover just enough to be able to answer the phone and I’d have to change my vest at least three times a day. This thankfully is behind me and I am in new phase of recovery. My anxiety has greatly improved also and all other symptoms are also improving.
Since attending her I have made good and steady progress. My energy has vastly improved.
Fingers crossed, I hope to continue treatment with her and make further progress after four decades of suffering. My proof of Lyme are Lab reports from Germany, MRI results from Irish hospital and clinical analysis. I’m willing to speak to any person, in private, to verify this. Please ask Elaine to put you in touch with me.
Michael, 2020

Before I meet Elaine I had Lyme disease and many co-infections. I was sick for nearly two years, unable to function or think clearly, I constantly felt horrible and had serious digestive issues and even though I was on heavy medication my symptoms were barely improving. I was due to begin college in a few months which was looking very doubtful, but now I am writing this at college, feeling fantastic and my energy is improving every day.
Elaine is a lovely person who has also gone through a similar experience and I know for a fact I would not be in college now if it weren’t for her and biomagnetic pair therapy.
The therapy was tough at times but was undoubtedly worth it to have my health back and be able to continue with my life.
Padraig Donoghue, 2018

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If you wish to book an appointment of are seeking further clarification on the work I do please reach out to me by filling in my contact form